Stephen Covey: Seven Habits, Stephen Covey: 7 Habits, Stephen Covey: Seven (7) Habits

Stephen Covey, 7 Seven Habits, Stephen Covey, Seven 7 Habits, Stephen Covey, 7 Seven Habits,

Friday, November 25, 2005

Stephen Covey, the Seven Habits, and Blogging

Stephen Covey and the 7 Habits philosophy emphasizes a number of "principles" of life, one of which is "There is usually no quick-fix... Quick-fix is a mirage." To put this another way, relationships, which are the mainstay of any human endeavour, take time to build.

Stephen Covey and the Seven Habits philosophy applies to search engine promotion(!) in just this way. (And so it should: Stephen Covey has tried to identify habits which apply in lots of different situations, which are "universal," or, at least, near universal). Look at this link: and consider how Stephen Covey and his seven habits are borne out.

Keywords: Stephen Covey, Seven Habits, 7 Habits.

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